Отображение 129–135 из 135

Spinning SHIMANO Catana FX Spinning Fast 2,39m 14-40g 2pc

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Catana ridvade uus sari ühendab uut tehnoloogiat ja kaasaegset välimust. Catana ridvad on saadaval nii kiire, kui ka mõõdukalt-kiire tipuga.

Spinning SHIMANO Vengeance CX Super Sensitive (kork) 2.10m 3-15g

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The Shimano Vengeance CX Sensitive range was designed specifically for ultralight fishing with especially lightweight lures. The rods are built

Spinning SHIMANO Vengeance CX 2.10m 10-35g

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The Vengeance CX spinning is an ideal rod for the beginning angler. It’s strong, versatile and has modern looks. The

Spinning SHIMANO Vengeance CX 2.40m 10-35g 2pc

In stock

The Vengeance CX spinning is an ideal rod for the beginning angler. It’s strong, versatile and has modern looks. The

Spinning WESTIN W3 PowerTeez 2nd 9´/270cm ML 7-28g 2sec

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The W3 Powerteez 2nd Generation is a series of fast actioned rods with a powerful backbone, which features great casting